
2017/05/12 android



前面几篇我们介绍了如何使用AIDL实现IPC 那么你会有疑问了 我们用的asInterface是什么, Stub又是什么,现在让我们一点一点来看。在我们编译的时候,系统会吧aidl生成对应的java类(这就是为什么支持aidl这种文件格式了),我们先来看一下系统生成的类(本文涉及到的系统源码都是基于android-23):

package com.wlh.animation.ipctest;
// Declare any non-default types here with import statements

public interface IBookManager extends android.os.IInterface {
     * Local-side IPC implementation stub class.
    public static abstract class Stub extends android.os.Binder implements com.wlh.animation.ipctest.IBookManager {
        private static final java.lang.String DESCRIPTOR = "com.wlh.animation.ipctest.IBookManager";

         * Construct the stub at attach it to the interface.
        public Stub() {
            this.attachInterface(this, DESCRIPTOR);

         * Cast an IBinder object into an com.wlh.animation.ipctest.IBookManager interface,
         * generating a proxy if needed.
        public static com.wlh.animation.ipctest.IBookManager asInterface(android.os.IBinder obj) {

        public android.os.IBinder asBinder() {
            return this;

        public boolean onTransact(int code, android.os.Parcel data, android.os.Parcel reply, int flags)
                throws android.os.RemoteException {
            switch (code) {
                case INTERFACE_TRANSACTION: {
                case TRANSACTION_getBookList: {
                case TRANSACTION_addBook: {
                case TRANSACTION_registerListener: {
                case TRANSACTION_unRegisterListener: {
            return super.onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);

        private static class Proxy implements com.wlh.animation.ipctest.IBookManager {
            private android.os.IBinder mRemote;

            Proxy(android.os.IBinder remote) {
                mRemote = remote;

            public android.os.IBinder asBinder() {
                return mRemote;

            public java.lang.String getInterfaceDescriptor() {
                return DESCRIPTOR;

            public java.util.List getBookList() throws android.os.RemoteException {

            public void addBook(com.wlh.animation.ipctest.Book book) throws android.os.RemoteException {

            public void registerListener(com.wlh.animation.ipctest.IBookListener listener)
                    throws android.os.RemoteException {

            public void unRegisterListener(com.wlh.animation.ipctest.IBookListener listener)
                    throws android.os.RemoteException {

        static final int TRANSACTION_getBookList = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 0);
        static final int TRANSACTION_addBook = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 1);
        static final int TRANSACTION_registerListener = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 2);
        static final int TRANSACTION_unRegisterListener = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 3);

    public java.util.List getBookList() throws android.os.RemoteException;

    public void addBook(com.wlh.animation.ipctest.Book book) throws android.os.RemoteException;

    public void registerListener(com.wlh.animation.ipctest.IBookListener listener) throws android.os.RemoteException;

    public void unRegisterListener(com.wlh.animation.ipctest.IBookListener listener) throws android.os.RemoteException;

1.整个文件是一个IBookManager(你aidl文件名字)的接口 继承IInterface  
2.一个抽象类Stub继承Binder(前面我们说过  Binder有跨进程的能力)实现了这个IBookManager接口  
##IBookManager IInterface 

public interface IInterface
    public IBinder asBinder();

我们可以看到IInterface中只有一个方法 就是asBinder 返回一个IBinder,IBinder也是一个接口。 ##Stub Binder Stub是一个抽象类继承了Binder 实现了IBookManager接口 ###Binder Binder实现了IBinder,我们来看下IBinder中的内容.我们这里只介绍一些重要的变量和方法,其它的说明读者可自行查阅源码中的注释。 ###getInterfaceDescriptor 源码定义如下:

     * Get the canonical name of the interface supported by this binder.
    public String getInterfaceDescriptor() throws RemoteException;


   public void attachInterface(IInterface owner, String descriptor) {
        mOwner = owner;
        mDescriptor = descriptor;

      public String getInterfaceDescriptor() {
        return mDescriptor;


        private static final java.lang.String DESCRIPTOR = "com.wlh.animation.ipctest.IBookManager";

         * Construct the stub at attach it to the interface.
        public Stub() {
            this.attachInterface(this, DESCRIPTOR);

我们可以看到其实就是接口的全路径。 ###pingBinder, isBinderAlive,

     * Check to see if the object still exists.
     * @return Returns false if the
     * hosting process is gone, otherwise the result (always by default
     * true) returned by the pingBinder() implementation on the other
     * side.
    public boolean pingBinder();

就是字面意思ping一下 来确认Binder是否可以链接到Binder,只有当宿主进程不存在的时候才返回false。

     * Check to see if the process that the binder is in is still alive.
     * @return false if the process is not alive.  Note that if it returns
     * true, the process may have died while the call is returning.
    public boolean isBinderAlive();

返回Binder是否存活。如果进程不是存活状态,那么返回false。 ###queryLocalInterface

     * Attempt to retrieve a local implementation of an interface
     * for this Binder object.  If null is returned, you will need
     * to instantiate a proxy class to marshall calls through
     * the transact() method.
    public IInterface queryLocalInterface(String descriptor);

根据接口的描述返回一个本地接口,如果返回的是null的话(就是跨进程),需要你去实现代理(在使用aidl的时候系统为我们已经实现好了) ###transact

     * Perform a generic operation with the object.
     * @param code The action to perform.  This should
     * be a number between {@link #FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION} and
     * {@link #LAST_CALL_TRANSACTION}.
     * @param data Marshalled data to send to the target.  Must not be null.
     * If you are not sending any data, you must create an empty Parcel
     * that is given here.
     * @param reply Marshalled data to be received from the target.  May be
     * null if you are not interested in the return value.
     * @param flags Additional operation flags.  Either 0 for a normal
     * RPC, or {@link #FLAG_ONEWAY} for a one-way RPC.
    public boolean transact(int code, Parcel data, Parcel reply, int flags)
        throws RemoteException;

这个基本上是IBinder中最重要的一个函数了,它用来相应对象的操作,例如我们本例中的一个addBook操作,它的参数主要有如下几个: 1.code 一次操作的唯一标识,要介于常量FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION( 0x00000001)和 LAST_CALL_TRANSACTION(0x00ffffff)之间 2.data 需要传递的数据不能为空 3.reply 返回的数据 4.flats 附加的操作标识,通常返回0. 如果设置成FLAG_ONEWAY表示呼叫方不会等待被呼叫方放回结果(只在跨进程的时候生效)。 我们再来看下Stub中的具体实现: ###asInterface

     public static com.wlh.animation.ipctest.IBookManager asInterface(android.os.IBinder obj) {
            if ((obj == null)) {
                return null;
            android.os.IInterface iin = obj.queryLocalInterface(DESCRIPTOR);
            if (((iin != null) && (iin instanceof com.wlh.animation.ipctest.IBookManager))) {
                return ((com.wlh.animation.ipctest.IBookManager) iin);
            return new com.wlh.animation.ipctest.IBookManager.Stub.Proxy(obj);

将IBinder转换成我们需要的接口,我们可以看到基本的逻辑是:如果从本地找到了接口就返回本地接口(没有跨进程),否则返回Stub的代理类,关于代理类我们稍后再说,这个逻辑规则基本贯穿了Stub中的所有方法:即先找本地,如果没有(跨进程)则返回代理。 ###onTransact

        public boolean onTransact(int code, android.os.Parcel data, android.os.Parcel reply, int flags)
                throws android.os.RemoteException {

   switch (code) {
                case INTERFACE_TRANSACTION: {
                    return true;
                case TRANSACTION_addBook: {

首先在Stub类中 系统为我们的每一个方法值都赋予了一个id
    static final int TRANSACTION_getBookList = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 0);
        static final int TRANSACTION_addBook = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 1);
        static final int TRANSACTION_registerListener = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 2);
        static final int TRANSACTION_unRegisterListener = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 3);
可以看到是基于TRANSACTIOn_{$method name}来命名的参数是基于FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION递增的。然后再onTransaction方法中系统会switch code判断当前调用的是哪个方法然后做相应的操作 我们来看下addBook的具体实现:

  case TRANSACTION_addBook: {
                    com.wlh.animation.ipctest.Book _arg0;
                    if ((0 != data.readInt())) {
                        _arg0 = com.wlh.animation.ipctest.Book.CREATOR.createFromParcel(data);
                    } else {
                        _arg0 = null;
                    if ((_arg0 != null)) {
                        _arg0.writeToParcel(reply, android.os.Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE);
                    } else {
                    return true;

我们不难看出,基本思路就是将对象和Parceable之间转换处理。 我们再来看下代理类Proxy: Proxy是实现了接口IBookManager的代理类,其构造方法如下:

  Proxy(android.os.IBinder remote) {
                mRemote = remote;


            public void addBook(com.wlh.animation.ipctest.Book book) throws android.os.RemoteException {
                android.os.Parcel _data = android.os.Parcel.obtain();
                android.os.Parcel _reply = android.os.Parcel.obtain();
                try {
                    if ((book != null)) {
                        book.writeToParcel(_data, 0);
                    } else {
                    mRemote.transact(Stub.TRANSACTION_addBook, _data, _reply, 0);
                    if ((0 != _reply.readInt())) {
                } finally {

可以看到和onTransact中最大的区别在于 它将具体的处理时间交给了跨进程的Binder处理。 以上就是在我们编写AIDL文件后 系统为我们生成文件的解析。





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